Be a Catterflyer

Are you passionate about art and culture, excited about travel, going beyond the obvious and connecting with local culture? If you want to share your expertise with like-minded art & culture enthusiasts, we would love to have you on our team!

Join the team

Our team of dedicated art & culture enthusiasts is passionate about delivering unparalleled aesthetic and transformative experiences to our customers. We believe in understanding and collaborating with local artists, connecting with stories behind an art, and truly experiencing destinations through its art & culture. If this excites you too and you want to share your expertise with like-minded travelers, we would love to have you on our team!

Internship program

Do you dream of a career in art, culture and travel? Join a small, dynamic team to discover what it takes to create and curate unique art, culture and travel experiences. We provide exciting opportunities to work with our incredible master artists, national and international service delivery partners and destination experts, making it a truly global work environment. Limited location independent opportunities are available. If you are a self starter with a passion for art, culture, travel and hospitality, ask us about our current internship programs at Experience and qualifications in graphic design, marketing, business studies or related fields are a plus.

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Community Initiatives

We believe that travel is just one of the ways to drive personal transformation. It’s about how we stretch our boundaries and break through constraints to experience something out of the ordinary. Our social initiatives are shaped by this philosophy. We work with and support various institutions and individuals creating strong social impacts in their respective arenas, whether it is ethical handicrafts sourcing, art based travel experiences or bringing the gift of travel to the underprivileged.

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