Travel in times of COVID


There are no TWO Sides, we are in it together..!

Written by Nitin Pradhan Mar 20, 2020
Never imagined that I will ever write a note – AVOID TRAVELLING at the moment. But, its perhaps more than that - as everyone hopes the situation will subside with so much focus from institutions/governments. We hope all of us learn from such emergencies and to adopt a new way of life. It is probably about the part that each one of us play – and not just now, but how we live, travel and much more as we go ahead..

Every crisis has heroes on the front lines - some of it is obvious, and rest may not be so. And, what makes these people heroes is their attitude and commitment every single day and not just during the crisis. As we celebrate the commitment of our medicos for their heroic commitment, we could also be sensitive to many others on the front lines who carry not only the health risks (while still delivering their services in such times), but also the economic risks as the repercussions will unfold in the future. In travel - the front end delivery people like airline check-in staff, reception folks in the lodging, cab drivers, counsellors who still to manage all this for travelers are significantly impacted. We are trying our best to reach out and see how we can help them. If there is anything that works in such situation - is to realize that there are NO TWO SIDES and any distinction made on social media, conversations, and our personal conduct that talks about the other side is perhaps not as important as what each one of us can do. Empathy goes a long way and let us not miss this chance... !

Of course, the direct economic cost of such situation could be very high on everyone - for Catterflyers (you all), our suppliers, our partners/service providers, and Catterfly team (especially local destination experts) who are impacted personally as well as economically. With this note, I wanted to share some of the things that Catterfly is doing and would appreciate your feedback and support

  • Coaching and counselling our travelers to provide information as best as we know it – so they take more informed decisions about cancelling, rerouting, and help to reduce the economic impact as best as we could. Please do reach out – if we haven’t had a chance to speak as yet. Also, we are happy to help your friends/family who could be stuck in a given situation. E.g. we could help the students in Italy and Paris to get back home before restrictions came into effect.
  • Reaching out to our experts and partners to check if they are doing okay and offering help in current situation, with a stronger resolve that we will continue to work with them. Reassurance and best wishes work wonders...!
  • We will try our best to bring in stories and perspectives of people on the front lines of providing services in these times, and hope it helps to know the impact in different countries. We know Catterflyers offer them lots of engagement and respect when and wherever we interact with them.
  • And, many others who create something of lasting value and experiences for the traveler by their sustainable actions, which transcends much beyond their lifetimes. More to follow on this..!
  • Perhaps, share travel stories, trivia and quizzes for everyone to participate in – as you manage this phase of social distancing, and spend quality time at home with kids and family.

Hope you will add more to the above from your personal experiences and help everyone appreciate the true richness of what life and travel brings to us – but more importantly adopt a new way of life, which is more sustainable.

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